Thursday, June 30, 2011

Spearfish Men

Every day that I go to work I park my car in the parking lot for the city park. This lets me get a nice little six-minute walk in before work and I get to stroll through a gazebo and across a bridge suspended over Spearfish Creek. After work I walk back the same way and hop in my beloved car. During three different occasions as I drive out of the park with all my windows down, I have had guys my age yell things like "Hey pretty girl!"; "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!"; and the ever popular, whistle. This cracks me up everytime. The fact that they think their demonstration of expressive, highly-eloquent phrases will impress me so much that I pull over just to respond to their mastery of the English language is quite comical. Maybe if they threw flowers in my car I would consider stopping my car... Maybe.

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