Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Favorite Thing

I am notorious for proclaiming something as my "favorite thing EVER" for about twenty different things a day. I simply can't help use the mega-hyperbole so I won't fret when describing this drink and its accompanying coffee shop as my new favorite thing! Yesterday I got done with work mid-morning so I strolled to a coffee shop called "The Green Bean." Going out for coffee is one of my favorite things (there it is again) and I love admiring the ambience of various coffee shops in different cities I visit. This coffee shop has a wonderful charm about it. Everything from the fireplace, big comfy chairs, shaded deck, outdoor seating, the sunroom area, jewelry and local honeys and tea for sale and especially every wall painted in what I always think of as 'coffee colors', such as natural greens, browns, saffron and blue-tinged grays, make this the perfect place to spend a summer morning. I ordered my new favorite thing ever- a Blueberry Pomegranate Fruit Tea Blast. Doesn't that just sound like summer? I sat on the deck sipping the delicious drink, listening to Coldplay's new song, "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall" (another one of my new favorite things ever) and worked on my summer writing.

Blueberry Pomegranate Fruit Tea Blast from The Green Bean in Spearfish
Every summer I have the intention of writing the next great American novel... naturally, right? My best writing has always been about the things that are familiar to me like my family, mission trips I have taken, and quite frequently and usually most successfully my writing is about my grandpa. Spending the entire summer living with my grandparents is proving to be the perfect writing inspiration. I am constantly rushing to my computer to take down notes on their quirks with the intention that all my notes compiled together will make a great book some day. A little tidbit from a few days ago was the fact that whenever my grandpa gets a haircut the two of them go out for Chinese. Doesn't that seem like an odd combo? Obviously not for them! I loved that little trait so much it may even serve as the title of my book to come. Something like "A Haircut and Chinese Food." I always like book titles that grab the reader and don't explain the meaning behind the title until the middle of the book. Maybe that is exactly what I will do!

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