Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Chicken-Kind-Of-Summer

My aunt Jackie is pretty much awesome! Today we took full advantage of both having the day off and went to a new thrift shop in Spearfish and I scored some great purchases (look for the post to follow). As we were leaving the store she asked me if I had ever heard of the feather strands that people get in their hair. Naturally, I had and not-so-shockingly, I have been obsessed with having them in my own hair for months and simply never got around to getting them done when I was back in Sioux Falls.

Her next move is what makes Jackie so great. Before I had even finished raving about the feather strands she was on the phone with her hair stylist and asked if they had any left and if we could stop in right then. Within minutes we were at the salon and I had picked out my feathers. My grandma asked what they were made of and when the stylist explained that they were made from the feathers of exotic chickens the three of us all smirked. We could be making a fortune if the 33 chickens that roamed in my grandpa's garden were exotic. This summer is truly 'going to the birds.'

As I was getting my feathers placed in my hair Jackie decided she absolutely had to have them too. It was quite the bonding experience and we joked that we never would have guessed that our day would shape out to include both getting feathers in our hair. My grandma even mulled over the decision for a few seconds!

Jackie rocking feathers in her hair

Can you catch my excitement over these?

Jackie and I with our feathers! 

Photos were taken by my uncle, John. Check out his website and blog at

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