Thursday, June 9, 2011


Yes, this is the second time in a week I am posting about a business with the word 'green' in the title. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, Jackie, my grandma and I went to a new thrift store in town called GreenThreads. Several days ago when the idea to go first came up multiple jokes about the store selling only green clothing ensued. Rest assured, the store sells clothing in nearly every color imaginable. I, however, did wear a green shirt just for the occasion.

My sister is the thrifty thrift store shopper (haha punny!) in the family but yesterday I had some luck. Whenever I go shopping with Jackie she throws clothing items at me and I humor her by trying everything on and modeling around the store. Three items stood out from the crowd as new additions to my wardrobe.

I was a little unsure on this skirt because I normally don't wear skirts with a long hemline but it is gorgeously made and has beautiful details like the embroidery and gold beading.
This $7 steal is lovely! And now I have even more purple clothing!

This was my favorite purchase! This band on the ring has an antique feel to it but then the bright cerulean flower gives it a modern twist.

I LOVE that the price tags were printed on the back of squares cut out of old books! 

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