Saturday, June 11, 2011

Don't Be Fancy, Just Get Dancey

Last night was one of the best nights ever. My cousins are staying at Grandma and Grandpa's this week so of course being the good big cousin that I am, I have all sorts of fun things planned. I learned that the four-year-old loves dance parties so much so that she even raises her voice when she says we are going to partaaaaaaaaaay! That's exactly what we did. The two of us girls had a dance party to the likes of Katy Perry and Pink and the little girl knows every word to 'Firework' and 'Raise Your Glass.' We topped off the night with a more kid-friendly reading of 'The Cat in the Hat.'

I am fairly certain dance parties and jumping on the bed will be an adequate replacement to my normal workouts for the week!

Also, don't be surprised when most of the postings this week are about the adventures I have with my cousins!

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