Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Am My Mother's Daughter

For those of you that may not be familiar with the whimsicalness that is my mother, she paints EVERYTHING and loves an artsy good find that is always unique. I am not-so-slowly becoming this woman.

This morning on our way to Rapid City for a Sam's Club run, which is a norm when living with my grandparents, the three of us stopped at an estate sale. Before we had even parked the van I had spotted this beautiful wooden chair. Upon closer inspection I saw what a phenomenal chair it is and that I absolutely had to have it! The wood is quite dark but the seat is very faded. The top of the back rest has a beautiful carved design. The best part is that there are numerous paint splatters. It may have belonged to a distant relative who also has a natural inclination to paint every piece of furniture. I like to think that it is already 100 years old so when I live to be 104 and have had it since I was 20, just think how wonderfully old it will be!

Later on in life I am going to transform a room in my home to my own library. My view for the library is to have many large windows and an eclectic assortment of chairs, colorful bookshelves and lamps to furnish the room and of course loads and loads of books along with a few vintage globes and colored glass bottles and vases of flowers. Although I am a twenty-year-old-dorm-dweller and I already have more furniture than most people destined to live in a dorm for two more years have, this chair will one day be perfect in my library.

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