Monday, June 13, 2011

Rules of Summer

My blog is now one week old! To celebrate, I decided I needed something that was all about what the intention of this blog is. Since I have already gotten away with the self-proclamation that I am good at summer I feel as though I owe it to you to bestow upon you my rules of summer. Follow these and you are sure to have an incredible summer!

1. Go barefoot basically all day long

2. Eat watermelon in ginormous quantities

3. Grill summer food (look for a recipe later this evening!)

4. Let your hair dry outside (I do this all year long but now at least it doesn't freeze to my head)

5. Listen to music that sounds like summer (also look for a post with suggestions later this evening!)

6. Run through an elephant-shaped sprinkler- or any other animal-shaped water toy- with a 6-year-old and a 4-year-old

7. Don't wear socks, better yet refuse to wear socks

8. Smell the flowers

9. Ride your bike down a HUGE hill with your hair blowing behind you

10. Eat as many popsicles a day as you wish

11. Put your feet in a creek

12. Read in a hammock

13. Eat all meals outside, even breakfast at 6 a.m.

14. Pull little kids around the yard in a red wagon

15. Drink Pink Lemonade by the gallons

16. Relish in the cinnamon on your nose, also known as freckles

The Spearfish Creek is suitable for number 11

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