Friday, June 10, 2011

The Greatest Sweater There Ever Was!

For the second day in a row Jackie and I went thrift store shopping. Now who is shaping out to be the thrifty thrift store shopper in the family?! I got what could be described without any exaggeration whatsoever as the greatest thing I have ever owned! This turquoise sweater isn't actually vintage but definitely looks like it is so when I say that I am wearing my exquisite vintage sweater just go with it. I tried it on with jeans which was adorable but it will also be cute over a black dress. The original price tag was still intact and displayed the astronomically high original price as $175! Obviously I would never pay that much for one piece of clothing. I paid only $23. Go me! I always feel slightly guilty for buying wintery clothes in the summer but obviously this is Sanna-In-A-Sweater so it is an exception to my normally rigid rule.
Don't be surprised if I wear this on a weekly basis!
This picture was taken in the rain. That is what is called dedication to my blog... or obsession, you pick! 

My mom and Jackie both always pick out clothing for me that I would normally never try on. Simply because I am ridiculously stubborn I throw a very minor fit but eventually try them on and then always love whatever was picked out. This was the case with the turquoise sweater. I will probably end up hiring them both as my personal stylists when I am a famous journalist.

The beautiful brooch enclosure on the sweater.
My cousins who are six and four arrived this afternoon to stay a week. When I was discussing with them what kind of adventures we would embark upon this week the four-year-old asked if we can go out for coffee. Hells yes we can! The six-year-old had to inform me that his name is printed on every city bus in Sioux Falls. He gleefully exclaimed that he his famous. We are all obviously related...

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