Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Quintessential Summer Day

It happened. The perfect summer day. Everything that makes a great summer day happened today on June 15th already! The day began with a walk through the park with my uncle and his two dogs and then a Barefoot Fitness workout. The day's events continued with drinking coffee on the deck, lounging in the hammock and then going to a water park with my cousins. It was their first time at a water park and I was delighted to share in their experience. The evening continued with my favorite foods (tacos and grapes) and staying in my swimsuit all day long! My hair has been braided in two and I have gone without makeup all day and am sporting a lovely new tan. I then drank some more coffee on the deck. Having a day off in the middle of the week was used very wisely and the entire day just felt like summer. Hello gorgeous sunshine!

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