Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Weekend for Megan

Woah! Long time, no blogging. That's ok, this post will make up for that little hiatus!

This past weekend was quite possibly the greatest weekend of my life. Here's the story...

Last summer, my second cousin, Megan Willkom was diagnosed with a devastating cancer and in the last year her entire family - near and far - has rallied behind her. And after spending the weekend with her one would wonder if there has ever been someone Megan met that wasn't instantly drawn to her. She is stunning in every way and extraordinarily vivacious.

On Friday of last week my friends, Jackie, Molly and I hit the road and spent the next 12 hours in my 15-year-old, un-air-conditioned car. They were troopers... so was my car. Once we arrived in South Bend, Indiana I was elated for the entire weekend. My cousins commented on the fact that I seem to always be smiling and why wouldn't I be? I was surrounded by family that I haven't seen in eight whole years and met phenomenal people. A theme of the weekend was all the good that has come to the Willkom family even through such an unfathomable hardship that cancer truly is.

We spent those three days with my awesome family, exploring the gorgeous Notre Dame campus, and celebrating Megan and her life.

Here is the highlight of the weekend, besides Megan's benefit on Sunday.

On Saturday night my cousin Ross, his girlfriend Maureen, Jackie and I went across the street from our hotel to Applebees for a drink. We were making fun of ourselves for drinking at the 'neighborhood bar and grill' on a Saturday night but we soon realized it was the absolutely perfect place for us to be at that time. Through showing our ID's from various states the bartender asked why we were all there. We started explaining Megan's benefit and I passed around the fliers I had stored in my purse advertising the event and Ross and Maureen gave out rubber awareness bracelets promoting LMS awareness. As the night progressed we got to know our fellow Applebee's bar-goers and one amazing gentleman bought the entire tab for everyone at the bar and wrote us a check for $1000 for Megan's benefit.

It was truly the greatest moment of my life. Everyone hears stories about stunning gifts of generosity but it is the most peculiar emotion to feel when you are actually experiencing such generosity from a complete stranger. Crying into your drink brought on a different meaning after that moment...

Needless to say, we were glad we ran across four streets of traffic to hit up the family-oriented bar!

I was in awe of this part of my family the entire weekend. The Willkom family seems to be fully encompassed by a genuine positive energy that never escapes them no matter the difficulties that befall their family. They are so united and truly love one another, not just because they are family, but because they know they have been united to some of the best people on earth. You see this family and see how much they all mean to each other and you simply want to do something good for them.

Me and my cousin Beth

Me and my incredible cousin, Megan 

Me and my cousin Katie's daughter Maddie
The trip was definitely the highlight of my summer and possibly the greatest weekend of my life.

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