Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hiking, Hiking, Hiking, Hiking

Yes, yesterday was the first day since the introduction of this blog that I have not posted. I assure you I had a solid excuse. My uncle John and I went on a 7.2 mile hike up Big Hills. This would have been completely do-able but the day before we had gone on a hike up Old Baldy and yesterday morning we had a Barefoot Fitness workout. Ufdah! I was simply too tired to use my brain by the time I got home.

That being said, yesterday was one of the most well-spent days a summer could possibly have. John and I went to Barefoot Fitness at 6:30 a.m. and then I worked until 12:30 p.m. We went to The Green Bean (yes that was my second time there this week) and had a perfect pre-hike lunch. They serve a wonderful wrap (alliteration!) called the Woodstock. It has hummus, sprouts, cashews, spinach, red onion, and cucumber. Delicious-ioso! Then came the hike.

The hike was in a word, interesting. We traipsed behind a herd of cows for about half the hike and I wont even deny that I stepped in more cow manure than I thought could be possible. Don't worry, my shoes are white again- thanks Jeanne! We thought the piles were big flat rocks until Scout put her nose in one and then wiped it against my leg. Kinda gross. Eventually we were behind so many cows that John was throwing a stick at them which had barely any effect and practicing his mountain man A-yaaaaaaah call to shoo them away. We learned cows aren't easily shooed. I have enough friends who are dairy farmers to know that this next statement is ridiculous but damn, those cows scared me! They are mean and ugly.

John found the act of me wiping cow manure off my leg on a post quite comical. Apparently I do too, since I am smiling despite the circumstances.
Once we got past the cow chaos (another alliteration!) the hike was very pleasant. At some points we could look through the trees and see where the road to Spearfish Canyon was. We were pooped (in more ways than one) by the end of the hike and so were the dogs! Our pre- and post-hike soundtrack has become the satellite radio station, Willie Nelson's Roadhouse. We listen for the best lyrics that define what country music is all about. My favorite lyric from yesterday: "She's acting single and I'm drinking doubles."

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