Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Morning Jog

Creek running through 'Deer Meadows'- my grandparents' neighborhood
This morning was quite chilly for the beginning of June but it was the perfect weather for a quick run through the neighborhood. My grandparents' house is situated at the bottom of a large mile-long loop around a hill that looks out to the tumbling dark hills of the area. As I have done on many mornings since I came out here I set out for a run around the loop only this time with my camera in tow. I ran across a wooden platform set over a running creek that also streams through my grandparents' backyard. Along my run I passed numerous horses grazing in their owners' front lawns or taking sips from the creek. Only a few of the horses feel bothered to look up at me as I run past. On other mornings I have also encountered skittish deer trying to steal a treat from the many gardens planted in the neighborhood. I discovered that running past a grove of lilac bushes makes for a much more delightful morning run. All marathons should be placed around lilac bushes to keep the runners moving!
Lovely Lilac Bushes

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