Friday, July 1, 2011

Library Inspiration

Yes, several of my posts lately have been about the library I will one day have in my house. Well, here is another! This past St. Patrick's Day my friend Kaycee and I went to a Lady Gaga concert in Omaha and then we took the next day off as a early spring break present to ourselves and did some power shopping through Omaha. Old Market is one of my favorite places to shop, eat, and walk on a cobble stone street. During this trip I was finally able to check out a book store that I had passed during several previous trips to Omaha.

This store was glorious. Every inch was covered in books and even the floor had stacks of book. There was a single aisle that only one person could walk through at a time. Random chairs were placed between shelves and these chairs usually held a few books as well. There were also a few books that had been deliberately displayed to show the cover. I bought a beautiful vintage book about a dog and took an assortment of photos. As I was searching through my photo library I found these pictures and decided they need a spot on my blog. I hope one day my library somewhat resembles this store. I love how the colors were all natural and most of the palette came from the covers of the books. It smelled like books too. If Yankee Candle made a book-scented candle I would certainly buy it. Hell, I would even buy the car air freshener. This store was for books and books only which is rarely the case anymore. That statement is somewhat hypocritical because I strolled through the store with coffee from Scooters in my hand.

1 comment:

  1. That bookstore is ridiculous! Haha it looks like you could spend a day to a week in there and not be bored!
