Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tomato - Tomato, Antelope - Cantaloupe, Potato - Potato

I am back in Spearfish!

When I left on August 18th, after spending over three of the best months possible living in my favorite place in the world with my grandparents, I cried for parts of the entire road trip back to Sioux Falls. I have fallen back into the step of Augie things but yesterday when I bounded up the green-carpeted stairs and hugged my grandpa, he asked if it was good to be back. It definitely is good to be back. My mom, Brytten and I are all in one place which hasn't happened since August. My grandpa then said that he loves Brytten and I. He also said we are neat. Few words could describe both Brytten and I, but neat seems like a good fit especially coming from our grandpa.

So here I sit at the kitchen table eating eggs from my grandpa's chickens and wheat toast made from homegrown wheat that was made by my grandpa spread with Grapple - grape and apple - Jelly also made by my grandpa.

Yesterday's road trip with my mom was a blast! She was a fan of the road trip cd's I had made for our journey. My blue scarf served as a cd case. When "Saturday Night" by the Bay City Rollers came on I thought she might make fun of me for my love of S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT!! But instead she sang along and admitted that she had crushes on the singers of the Bay City Rollers. Brytten and I looked them up and now we are slightly ashamed that our mom thinks they are cute. Seriously look them up!

Miss Sarajevo by U2 and Pavarotti was a hit. My mom's favorite song has always been Hotel California. Up until this summer I really didn't like The Eagles and my mom threatened disownment several times. I put several songs by Electric Light Orchestra. My mom told me that one year for Christmas she got an 8-track player and on Christmas Day my grandpa took her to buy her first 8-track and she got the ELO one.

Our road trip was wonderful but of course, I didn't get a whole lot of studying done. Oops!

Last night was one of the best nights ever and was the perfect way to spend away from Augie. I got to stop and see Brytten's dorm. Just seeing her in a dorm is a cool thing. My PA-self came out and I had to check out the building's programming initiatives and the bathroom situation. When we first got to the house I visited the ducks which are now HUGE! Even their heads are gigantic. As my grandpa and I were walking out to visit the ducks and the chickens he commented right away on how well Brytten is doing in school and in general, life.

My grandpa and grandma, Jackie and John, Brytten and her friend, Megan, and I all enjoyed pizza- 6 of them actually. But before we did the grands went to pick it up and then when they got back and saw the full driveway their natural inclination was to park right in the middle of their 1-acre backyard and walk up the deck steps to deliver the pizza. Classical grands move.

My favorite card game is Phase 10 and during every family gathering I suggest it. But last night before I could, my grandpa said that whoever suggested Phase 10 would be shot. He later took back the threat and we played with the typical tensions and uttered swear words. It was great!

Later in the night, the three of us, went downstairs and stayed up talking about life. Hearing Brytten sound like a quintessential college student is one of the best feelings. We are both on the same track in life and are able to appreciate each other so much more.

The best part of the evening was when Brytten admitted that she had always thought that antelope were also called cantaloupe. In Brytten's mind, cantaloupe is a melon fruit and a pronged mammal. It was so Brytten!

Now after a cup of coffee in my favorite Grandpa mug, we are headed out to visit Sven- Jackie's new horse.

This is possibly the best weekend ever!

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