Friday, November 4, 2011

Count The Lovely

Happy 100th BlogPost! I am so proud of this feat which can be taken as either an accomplishment or just a blaring realization that I am kinda gabby. I started this blog to serve as a virtual journal of my incredible summer in Spearfish. Now, back at Augie, this blog has served as a creative outlet when my life gets a tad stressful. I love that blogs allow readers to be appreciative of creativity and beauty.

To celebrate this 100th post I went back and counted how many times I used my favorite word, "lovely." Lovely has been used 29 times in my posts! I feel like we should always be on the search for the loveliness of life. I hope my blog has encouraged that hunt.

Loveliness can be found in colored glass bottles on my windowsill, Adele music, running through leaves, or swimming in mountain lakes, but especially in the wonderful people we choose to surround ourselves with.

I printed pictures the other day for the frames that seemed as though they would remain empty forever but are finally filled with the smiling faces of Jackie, Laura, Molly and I. We were the four girl PA's in Solberg last year. Groups of four always seem to work well together, i.e. The Beatles, and the four of us definitely do. They are lovely women and I am so thrilled to have them in my life.

Count the Lovely. 1, 2, 3, 4

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