Sunday, November 6, 2011

"Taking Over the World" Hair

After spending the weekend thinking about empowering women to realize that they can do everything-and-more-they-could-ever-think-of, specifically the girls on my floor, it hit me! I am ready to do all that I do in a normal week and then some! Jackie, Miranda and I were talking about being fully capable and lovely women on several occasions this weekend and I just know that this week is going to be an example of how much moxie I have!

I have to accomplish a ba-jillion things this week so that I can enjoy my weekend in Spearfish visiting the girl with the best kick-ass attitude ever- my sister Brytten Noel!

Unfortunately this means that frequently during this kick-ass week my hair will just have to look like this:
Crazy 'Go-Girl!' Hair
Ready and pumped for this week!
There is no way my hair will look this 'together' this week!

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