Monday, November 14, 2011

Mondays with Mom

Over the weekend while admiring the horses that reside at the Black Hills Equestrian Center I realized that God might have made a mistake and given me horse hair rather than regular people hair. My mane and the horses' are strikingly similar. I also dubbed a new word to describe my hair- flizzly. It isn't necessarily frizzy but it definitely isn't straight and smooth either. Thus, because of my flizzly hair and ungodly lack of hair product, I am rocking a ballerina bun for about the eighth day this month.

I was feeling majorly moderately depleted today when my mom picked me up for our Monday coffee date. There are a whole lot of stressors which is extra frustrating after having such a wonderful, stressless weekend in Spearfish. My mom has a subtle way of just doing her "Mom" thing and making me get my Sanna-groove back. Today in Coffea, we were doing our traditional Monday activities of drinking coffee, talking about life and love, while I work on homework. Eventually my mom noticed a girl around my age smiling at us. We guessed she probably missed her mom. We are just that adorable together. I came back to Augie feeling slightly more whole with some wounds healed.

I have not yet mentioned the massive actual wound that I acquired grinding flour to make wheat bread with my grandpa- how else? I managed to install insulation and use a staple gun and hammer in nails unscathed, yet when it comes to being domestic, I acquire a big, bad, and downright ugly blister. Seriously, this is a doozy. When I went to get a band-aid from my grandma to repair the palm of my hand she instead had to find cuticle cream for that problem. I still need a band-aid...
Anyways, growing what feels like five layers of skin back is rather painful and I have to wash my massive amount of hair with only one hand. I guess it is all part of building character.

Over the weekend my mom gave my sister and I very distinctly picked-out earrings. Brytten's are very Brytten-like and mine are very Sanna-like. I like having someone who knows me so well especially when it comes to making me feel better - so much so - that I stand up straighter. It takes a lot for me to not stand up straight but when it does happen, my mom is there with an invisible rod behind me to keep me upright. She also picks out B-E-A- uuuuutiful earrings.

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