Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's a Coffee-Filled Life

I hate to admit this but I just made an hour-by-hour to-do list for the next three weeks. And although yesterday I posted that it would probably be the last time I blogged for about a week, I obviously lied. I have half hour time slots for blogging scheduled on that ridiculous to-do list.

These last three weeks of the semester are going to be intense but will be greatly rewarded with six whole days in Spearfish that will be spent with family including John's sister, Jeni, hiking, snowshoeing and horseback riding. Christmas break will be planned according to a fun to-do list of exploring Spearfish with John and the dogs, reading oodles of non-textbooks, napping, helping Grandpa finish the duck house, decorating Christmas cookies with Grandma, and finding the Lucky Green Care Bear ornament (don't worry, I already have a blogging session scheduled for that one) and coffee dates with friends, including Laura Hey whom I will get to see for the first time since May 21st!

As if the gods of overwhelmed college students heard my prayers/pleas I received a package today with four, count them FOUR (!) boxes of coffee my grandpa ordered for me! Also in the mail was my Anthropologie catalog. I even etched in another time slot to flip through the catalog, most likely while drinking a cup of coffee.

Last night and this morning in the very wee hours before dance team, I chomped on the childhood snack of celery and peanut butter. The crunch combined with what I consider a food group will keep me going these next few weeks!

Thus pictures of what my life will consist of until Wednesday, December 21st at noon when I hit the road for Spearfish with new roadtrip playlist cd's for Mamacita and I!

Peanut butter, Celery, Post-it Notes, Adele Pandora Radio Station

Ginormous amount of coffee and lovely candlesticks in the Anthropologie catalog

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