Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Letter Writing as an Art Form

Last year on St. Patrick's Day my friend Kaycee and I road tripped to Omaha to see the one and only Lady Gaga in concert. The combination of Lady Gaga and St. Patrick's Day meant that Kaycee and I were basically the only sober people in the entire city of Omaha.

The next morning we did some extreme shopping which meant that I went to Anthropologie and spent oodles of well-worth-it money. One of my purchases that day has proved well worth the money. I found this set of 100 postcards printed as book covers and placed in a hollowed book to hold them. There is a huge amount of variety to the covers and they are all quite whimsical and I have found the perfect postcard to send to all of my friends. One of the postcards had images of the Beatles so naturally that was sent to Tyler. Another was a cover of Brighton Rock and that was recently sent to my lovely sister, Brytten.

The book of postcards has taken permanent residence on my windowsill with my collection of vintage books. I love writing them out because they combine all sorts of literature and letter writing. Letters always brighten my day. I have also expanded my list of books to read!


  1. Can I get a postcard?
    Also, I have a book you should look at about one of the last true letter writers in the US Senate! (very nerdy)

  2. Naturally! I actually already have a very "Thad" one picked out! I absolutely want to see the book! We should get coffee and talk about life soon!
