Friday, November 18, 2011

Feeling Green

Last night's attempt to make my every-other-week-World-Market-Jewelry-purchase was not so successful. I dropped a beautiful pair of earrings and the yellow stones popped right out. Maybe it was the universe telling me not to wear yellow...

So since I was so bummed out I didn't buy anything. I instead finished a necklace that I have been progressively working on for weeks. I finally finished putting an entire bag of beads on a super long piece of elastic. The beads are different colors of green, turquoise, white and clear and the name was "Turning Over a New Leaf". That seems appropriate. The strand is unbelievably long but I am going to wear it all looped together.

On a completely different note, I got an A on my Art History test and I am super pumped about it!

On an even different note listen to these songs that I recently found on Pandora!
"Any Road"- George Harrison
"Inside Out"- The Traveling Wilburys

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