Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Oh, Roger!

This will be my shortest post ever but is completely necessary to include on this blog!

I just received a text (!) from my Grandpa (!) whom I might add has been known as Grampa in my phone since he put his contact info in my first cell phone when I was a freshman in high school.

Well world, I just got a text from Grampa that said, "Hey i an texting."

To which I said very loudly in the library, "Holy Shit" but texted him back saying how proud I was!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's a Coffee-Filled Life

I hate to admit this but I just made an hour-by-hour to-do list for the next three weeks. And although yesterday I posted that it would probably be the last time I blogged for about a week, I obviously lied. I have half hour time slots for blogging scheduled on that ridiculous to-do list.

These last three weeks of the semester are going to be intense but will be greatly rewarded with six whole days in Spearfish that will be spent with family including John's sister, Jeni, hiking, snowshoeing and horseback riding. Christmas break will be planned according to a fun to-do list of exploring Spearfish with John and the dogs, reading oodles of non-textbooks, napping, helping Grandpa finish the duck house, decorating Christmas cookies with Grandma, and finding the Lucky Green Care Bear ornament (don't worry, I already have a blogging session scheduled for that one) and coffee dates with friends, including Laura Hey whom I will get to see for the first time since May 21st!

As if the gods of overwhelmed college students heard my prayers/pleas I received a package today with four, count them FOUR (!) boxes of coffee my grandpa ordered for me! Also in the mail was my Anthropologie catalog. I even etched in another time slot to flip through the catalog, most likely while drinking a cup of coffee.

Last night and this morning in the very wee hours before dance team, I chomped on the childhood snack of celery and peanut butter. The crunch combined with what I consider a food group will keep me going these next few weeks!

Thus pictures of what my life will consist of until Wednesday, December 21st at noon when I hit the road for Spearfish with new roadtrip playlist cd's for Mamacita and I!

Peanut butter, Celery, Post-it Notes, Adele Pandora Radio Station

Ginormous amount of coffee and lovely candlesticks in the Anthropologie catalog

Monday, November 28, 2011

La-La-La Monday

Many of my Monday posts have been about the music I listen to while at Coffea for my Monday-Coffee-Date-With-My-Mom. Well, this week "Running to Stand Still" by U2 has been playing on repeat for several hours. And for good reason. It is absolutely beautiful.

So as I prepare for this week which includes writing a 25-page paper for my Art History class, I realize I probably wont get a whole lot of blogging in. Or I shouldn't, anyway.

Thus, I will leave you with this song until I can take a breath again. U2 creates phenomenal music that is actually music and this is one of my new faves.

The title of the song even seems appropriate for the next and last three weeks of the semester.

Running to Stand Still

And so she woke up
Woke up from where she was
Lying still
Said I gotta do something
About where we're going

Step on a steam train
Step out of the driving rain, maybe
Run from the darkness in the night
Singing ha, ah la la la de day
Ah la la la de day
Ah la la de day

Sweet the sin
Bitter taste in my mouth
I see seven towers
But I only see one way out

You got to cry without weeping
Talk without speaking
Scream without raising your voice

You know I took the poison
From the poison stream
Then I floated out of here
Singing...ha la la la de day
Ha la la la de day
Ha la la de day

She runs through the streets
With her eyes painted red
Under black belly of cloud in the rain
In through a doorway she brings me
White gold and pearls stolen from the sea
She is raging
She is raging
And the storm blows up in her eyes
She will...

Suffer the needle chill
She's running to stand...


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Officially Christmas

Part of our PA job description is to put a new bulletin board up on the first of every month. Mine usually goes up around the 4th. This month I had mine up a whole five days early! And it is adorable! I took scraps of Christmas-themed scrapbook paper from last year and made a tree out of it!

With every bulletin board I have a question posted for my girls to write their answers on. This question is, "What is the best Christmas present you have ever received?"

I also posted "Other Holidays to Celebrate in December." I found a list of alternative holidays so that every day in December is festive!

12 Poinsettia Day     

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Future Vikings

Today Sam and Camille came over to Augie to brighten my kinda-sad, freshman-less dorm. They brought back the energy that left when my girls went home for break! We explored Augie while I forcefully subtly informed them that they should attend Augie in oh, 13 years.

For example, when we walked past the library I told them I expected them to spend many hours there in the kind-of-near-future.

Camille had to look at every little thing (of which, there are many) in my dorm room and say that she really liked it and could easily take it home but wouldn't.

When climbing on Ole, as every good Viking does, Sam said he could play up there forever and Camille said it smelled like hot chocolate. I tested her theory and agreed!

Because of my never-ending love for Augie, I have already been informed that I can't force my future children to go to Augie. Well, no one specified that I can't force my cousins to go to Augie. So I decided to get a head start on the recruitment process.

Me and my 'favorite girl cousin', Camille
Me and my 'favorite boy cousin', Sam
My little Vikings
I am not even going to pretend like I didn't tell them to do this...
Showing their school pride early
They already look like Vikings 
Getting comfortable with their surroundings

She looks like she is casually strolling to class
This looks so natural!
A future Vikette??

Too sweet!
Oh I love them!!
He loved the "Owl Family"
She loved "Beary"

We are buds
The best part was when we were walking back to Solberg and it was as though she was already a seasoned Viking. She stopped at the perfect echo spot by the Humanities building and yelled "SQUIRREL" in the style of Up!

Feeling Thankful- Ironic, No?

Saying, "now that I have gotten older," seems a little presumptuous at 20 but I am going to anyway.

Now that I have gotten older, I have realized the importance of friendships and feel incredibly thankful for the plethora of amazing friendships I have not only developed but maintained. I still have a group of my high school people for which I am truly grateful. It is amazing that I am going on ten years of being friends with Jenny! She proves that we should all have cute Asian friends!

Me and my oldest friend, Jenny
Here is a little gallery highlighting just a few of the friendships in my life that I feel blessed by every day! 
Rachel- She knows that grapes are included every time we are together

Cady Sea- I always refer to her by her full name. She is quite lovely

The Fab Four: Myself, Becca, Katie, and Jenny 

My kindred spirit: Becca

Laura, Tyler, Jenny and Myself

Haha Becca again! 
I feel like every day at Augie I develop a new friendship. Many of these are with my girls. Kirsten (like ear), Kirsten (like urrr), Katie, Whitney, Shandi, Emily, Leah, Haley, Ali, Echo, Sonora, and Crystal just to name a few of the many! I have no doubt in my mind that we will be at each other's weddings and will cheer each other on through the rest of our lives.

Three Generations: Katie, Myself, and Jackie

I still always refer to her as one of my girls even though she has moved up the ranks to one of my best friends

Kaycee, Coral, Abbie and Myself

Me and Miranda. I am super pumped that tomorrow our two families are celebrating Thanksgiving together in my second home, Solberg. As she says it, "It's like we are real sisters!"

Me and Kaycee, my first friend at Augie!

Me and Mariya!
I like to think back about how I first became friends with people. Jackie and I first met when she was my PA and helped me carry up all ba-jillion pieces of my wooden loft. Woah, lady! Through being involved in Viking Varieties this year I developed two friendships with Laura and Sam, lovely freshman women.

This post is devoted to Sam whom admits that she is an avid reader of this blog so I hope this post is making her smile! Today is an important day for her and she doesn't believe me when I say that I will be thinking about her all day but it's the truth. I was just walking dogs at the Humane Society with my hall director and I was thinking of her. I thought about her while drinking three cups of coffee so far today. I will be thinking about her when Sam and Camille come over for most likely a dorm room dance party!

Sam may 'get' me more than anyone else does!

I love them all to the moon and back! 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sum-Sum-Summer Time

 I realize that we are having the most moderate winter possible and it is already November 21st and we have only a glimmer of snow. And as lovely as it is to sit here at Coffea, next to a cozy fireplace, it kinda pisses me off. But, before I know it I will be blogging about next summer!  However I miss summer, particularly freckles on my nose and kneecaps, spending the majority of every day in a bikini, running through a sprinkler with my cousins, drinking coffee on the deck at 6 a.m., driving with my windows down and feathers in my sun-kissed hair. I was looking through pictures from this summer and I realized that I like snow when it is on a mountain top even when I saw it the first week of August. Yep, that is the only time I like snow!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


This upcoming week has only two days of classes but a lot needs to be accomplished by 2:20 Central Standard Time on Tuesday. But the rest of the week will be epically relaxing with coffee dates and Mama Lada's dates with friends, hanging out with my cousins, celebrating Thanksgiving (my second favorite holiday) with my mom and Brytten, watching movies with friends while eating grapes, Black Friday shopping -which will be interesting due to my lack of monetary funds : ), dorm room yoga, runs through the park, driving around Falls Park and listening to music with friends, reading a couple of books, painting picture frames, making garlands, and writing a 25-page paper. The only reason why the paper writing is included in this list is because it is for Art History so it will be enjoyable to write.

I have been telling all my girls that breaks always come at the perfect time and the same is true for me.

Thanksgiving Break in a photo...

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I miss Spearfish and am avoiding thinking about the craptastic weather by writing this post. I was actually just surprised when the red squiggly "this-word-is-blatantly-misspelled" line appeared under craptastic. That just cracked me up.

Putting on a winter coat made me just a little crabby and I might have to sleep in a swimsuit tonight!

Thus here are some pictures of summer!

Bouquet of lilacs from the bush next to the Grand's deck

Bridge into the Fish Hatchery 

Camille's cute toes painted in rainbows by your's truly

Friday, November 18, 2011

Feeling Green

Last night's attempt to make my every-other-week-World-Market-Jewelry-purchase was not so successful. I dropped a beautiful pair of earrings and the yellow stones popped right out. Maybe it was the universe telling me not to wear yellow...

So since I was so bummed out I didn't buy anything. I instead finished a necklace that I have been progressively working on for weeks. I finally finished putting an entire bag of beads on a super long piece of elastic. The beads are different colors of green, turquoise, white and clear and the name was "Turning Over a New Leaf". That seems appropriate. The strand is unbelievably long but I am going to wear it all looped together.

On a completely different note, I got an A on my Art History test and I am super pumped about it!

On an even different note listen to these songs that I recently found on Pandora!
"Any Road"- George Harrison
"Inside Out"- The Traveling Wilburys

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Last night, Augie did what it does best and featured a true artist of her craft to give students an opportunity to gain even more spark to do what they want to do with their lives and to love every minute of it. Annie Griffiths was one of the first female photographers to work for National Geographic and her photos speak volumes about the heart of human beings and the relationship people have with the earth.

During the afternoon, she gave a workshop that was open to journalism and art students. Besides being unbelievable talented, she is hilarious. I feel she and I could be friends.

Here are some of my favorite photos of Annie Griffiths: