Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This may have been my favorite grandpa-ism all summer. We were driving to Deadwood today to get a new license and tags for the boat trailer, which was a brilliant idea considering tags from 2004 were still on. Completely out of nowhere my grandpa said that if he had vanity plates they would say SQRTWD40. As in Squirt WD-40. As in Let Loose. As in the most grandpa-like thing EVER except for maybe that whole haircut and chinese food combination. I love this so much so don't be surprised if I one day have license plates that read this grandpa-ism. I should probably get used to seeing people awkwardly mouthing the pronunciation in my rear-view mirror. It will still be worth it. I also told him that I may adopt it as the theme for my floor this upcoming year or just a daily mantra.


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