Friday, July 22, 2011

Team Riddle

Augie lost one of its finest today. Tracy Riddle was loved by all of the Augie family and was especially influential to the ResLife program. I have had several memorable encounters with Tracy. She always loved to hear about our PA lives and I loved telling her my stories.

The first portion of my PA interview my freshman year I was interviewed by Tracy. We started off with some small talk and I informed her that I knew what she ordered at Perkins when she would come in when I was a waitress still in high school. That was definitely an odd first impression but she loved it!

Early in the year she emailed all the PA's and asked us to share a story with her about our experience so far. This email came shortly after I had bronchitis and my girls had made a card that said, "We hope the inflammation in your lungs dissipates." The inside of the card had an illustration of me and my lungs and all of my girls had signed it. It was moments like these when you are reminded of why you love being a PA so much that Tracy loved to hear about.

This was another story about my PA experience that Tracy greatly enjoyed. Over spring break I was staying with a friend at Creighton. When she and her roommates dug their alcohol out of their fridge I literally had to put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from writing them up. Being a PA doesn't stop when you are on vacation, I guess.

This was my personal favorite story about Tracy. During a very serious issue that had all of Solberg's PA's quite shaken up and stressed, Tracy came over to talk with people involved in the situation. She walked into a freshman boy's room and upon noticing all the posters of next-to-naked girls she asked, "Oh are these your sisters?" The look on the guy's face was quite memorable.

They matched! 

Go Team Riddle and her po-go stick!

Tracy, you will be greatly missed and I will keep telling you all my shining PA moments!

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