Sunday, July 31, 2011


I have used the word quintessential multiple times throughout this blog. Last night I had another quintessential summer moment. As soon as I had taken my last bite of a quintessential summer hamburger and quintessential summer baked beans and a quintessential summer home-grown cucumber my grandpa told me to go down the steps of the deck and stand in front of the quintessential summer sunflowers and pose for a (quintessential) picture.

After the picture was snapped he told me that one time coming back from Bonesteel where his brother once lived, he saw a field of sunflowers. In front of the field was a hay bale. Every time he saw this quintessential summer scene he thought of having me and Brytten sit on the hay bale and sending the picture to South Dakota magazine entitled, "Summer Beauties."

How quintessential.

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