Friday, July 8, 2011

Reason 789694739383837595054 Why I Love Spearfish

Yesterday afternoon I went for a quick run despite my grandmother's lectures about the heat and not having enough energy to play in the sprinkler with my cousins. I had more than they did, thank you very much. As I was coming around a corner I came to a fence of a tiny horse pasture. As I neared the fence a large, beautiful, perfectly brown horse came to the fence. This is an odd statement but I always think the colors of horses would be such pretty paint colors. The horse waited for me to come to the fence and then let me stroke its long nose. I probably talked to it and petted it for about ten minutes and then when I started to run back it watched me until I was out of sight.

My grandpa doesn't have the best hearing so when I told him the story he thought I said I had to shoo away a horse fly. Not quite but I would have pretended that was equally enjoyable.

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