Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Grands

Wow-y! This week has given me lots of great moments from the one and only G-ma and G-Pa, Jeanne and Roger, The Grands. Many of which, may just be worthy of my future publication, "Eight Bells."

Earlier this week, The Booth Society (the non-profit organization that runs the fish hatchery) had its annual Garden Party Auction. Much of my internship has been devoted to this event, including securing donations (a guitar and all the accessories!!!) and working at the event. My roles for the auction were to sell raffle tickets and act as a Vanna White and display the items on the live auction. I am quite proud to say that I sold the most raffle tickets in the 18-year history of the Garden Party! I was a great Vanna too!

My grandma went to the auction with three of her friends. They were commenting on my dress and one of the women said, "Well she must eat like a bird." My grandma quickly corrected her by saying, "She actually eats like a small horse." The fact that I eat like a solid, four-legged mammal doesn't bother me a bit. However when my grandma asked me if we should eat supper outside tonight I responded with, "Well, isn't that where horses normally eat?" Just call me Black Beauty.

Today for lunch before I had to go work at a wedding, we had grilled hot dogs and baked beans (a personal favorite- I told you the whole small horse comparison is quite accurate). As my grandpa was preparing his hot dog he asked if I squirt my ketchup in a line or a squiggly. I said that on hot dogs my ketchup is linear but on hamburgers it is in a smiley face. He squiggles his ketchup and mustard on every form of grilled summer meat. He then also informed me that when it comes to relish- he just plops it.

My grandparent's neighbors catawampus (that was my word for the week earlier this year! Just for you Jackie Miles!) to them recently moved out. My grandpa was commenting on the fact that it is weird to have an empty house in the neighborhood. He then informed me that I should move in there. I chuckled at the impossibility of that idea which just made him ask when it would be possible. I may have jumped the gun by saying it could happen when I am 24...

Now with less than a month left living in Spearfish I am starting to get a little sad. For all of those poor souls that had to witness my sorrow and constant wallowing at the end of this past school year, please be supportive of another bout of pathetic-ness. Carl, I wish you were here with Kleenex boxes on hand for me and my waterworks. I appear as though I would be a person that could handle change well but I am discovering more and more that I need a few weepy days first before I am ready to move on to my next adventure.

Taken 2 years ago, but still one of my favorite times with the grands. 
I wish I could move into that house...

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