Saturday, July 2, 2011

Harney-Marney-Bo-Barney Peak

My new obsession: HIKING! For the second time this summer I was at my uncle's house at 6 a.m. to head out for a hike. We have somehow managed to pick the absolute perfect days to hike each time we have ventured out this summer. We arrived at the trailhead at 7:30 a.m. and it was beautiful the entire way. I am pretending that I have developed an immunity to poison ivy because I know I brushed against some today but so far, so good! Harney Peak was obviously more populated but it was still my favorite hike yet. My uncle is going on a week-long backpacking trip through the Bighorns in two weeks so to condition himself he has been hiking with a pack and today it weighed a whopping 55 pounds. Kudos for him! The best part of the hike was when we got to the top and as we looked at we could see shadows from the clouds on the surrounding hills! I wish I had taken a video! "Cloud Shadows" could possibly rival the "Double Rainbow" video.

Me and Finn at the top of Harney Peak 

It was a tad breezy...
The sub-head of this blog is "Continuing my quest of self-discovery in my favorite place in the world." I think a major component of my self-discovery is my new love for hiking. I have decided I want to hike in every state. I shared this idea with my grandpa and he said that at one point in his life he had planned on hiking the highest peak in every state. He only got South Dakota, Texas and Hawaii. That is still more than most people could say. I am going to do all 50! I only have one down but that's besides the point!

Also, I peed in the woods today and am shockingly proud of it!

Yes, you are on the trail.

Very cool rock tunnel stairway
My crew!

Hitching posts for horses

And for a refresher on the "Double Rainbow" video:
I played this for my little cousins the last time they were here. They didn't laugh nearly as hard as I did but my grandpa did! Now I just need to plan my "Cloud Shadows" video

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