Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We Are A Colorful Bunch

Each year, the freshman dorms create a mural for each hall that stays up for the four years they are at Augie. This is done early in the year and always proves to be an excellent bonding experience. My girls had a phenomenal time with our masterpiece and some great bonding was going on. Many of the girls commented on how they already know that we are going to have a great floor. I wholeheartedly concur.

Our mural consists of a top banner that says, "Voice Yourself: Class of 2015." Below that is a strip of chalkboard paint. We currently have "We Are A Colorful Bunch" written in chalk. This was a quote from one of my girls that seemed very appropriate for Solberg 2N. Each week a room will take a turn putting up a quote of the week. At the end of the year we will decide on our final quote that will be left on the mural. I love that our mural will be interactive throughout the year! Finishing out the mural is a collection of everyone's hand or foot prints depending on each girl and around the prints is each girl's name and a quote they find applicable to this year.

The mural turned out fantastically and we had great participation throughout the night and worked on it until 1:00 in the morning. I have dubbed it the "goosebump wall" because the quotes are all so fantastic and it became the foundation of the family we are forming on Solberg 2N. I am very excited to see what a great year we are going to have!

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