Thursday, September 22, 2011

Love Train

I seem to have a theme going on... Love. This love is of course the love between my little three-person family: my mom, Brytten and myself. I am going to decline from commenting on how the other part of my love life is going... however freshman boys really like my dimple... here's hoping! Just kidding. 

My mom recently got Facebook and she posted this quote as her very first status:

"The difference between love and loving is the difference between fish and fishing." 

Naturally, Brytten and I both liked it. 

The three of us have hit a new point in our relationship especially because Brytten is now in college. We are now three grown women and can learn even more from each other. We have always been three friends but now being on a more similar level makes us appreciate each other even more! I have always appreciated that the three of us see the world the same way and it is even more apparent now in this new stage of our lives.

"May Your Wildest Dreams Come True" 

Check out my mom's blog!

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