Saturday, September 17, 2011


The title of this post is my word for my life in its current state. Every year at Augie is more phenomenal than the last and so far this one is taking the cake. I feel absolutely in my element and that not only am I loving everything that I am doing but everything is making me deliriously happy. This is going to be a monumental year in terms of shaping the person I am destined to become.

Last night I wasn't feeling good but I sat outside my room with a bunch of my 2N girls and chatted for a couple hours. When I finally went to sleep I was feeling better and I think it is because I got to spend time with my girls being their PA and that is what I love more than anything.

I have said since I got this position that I feel as though I was meant to be a PA at Augie. More and more I am thinking that it would be AWESOME to get my masters in Journalism and Student Affairs at SDSU while being a hall director at Augie and then working at Augie for maybe forever. I never wanted to stay in Sioux Falls after college graduation mainly because in high school I was voted second most likely to stay in Sioux Falls forever but screw it... I love Augie!

This morning we had our group bonding for Viking Days at the Ropes Course. Going to the Ropes Course twice in one month was fantastic! I feel like I could dangle 30 feet in the air everyday now! Augie is filled with exceptional people and our Viking Days Committee boasts many of those wonderful people!

I had a coffee date with one of my 1N girls from last year which was sublime. I love that now I get the privilege of being a first-year PA to 61 girls! I also see one of them wherever I go on campus! Side note: Definitely try the Salted Caramel Mocha at Starbucks!

I know that I am blessed to love the life I live but I will always be grateful for the zest for life that I have and hope that I am passing that along to my girls.

Another side note: I went to Menards today and got Maple Nut Candies to think about my grandpa.

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