Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ramen-doomed No More!

The words "poor" and "college kid" have been glued together for generations. Its practically inevitable that once you give yourself the title of being a college kid, the word "poor" will also become part of your identity. Such is life.

Onlinecolleges.net sent me an article that every media-savy, poor college kid should read. "50 Best Twitter Feeds for the Frugal Student" can be found here: http://www.onlinecolleges.net/2012/07/16/50-best-twitter-feeds-for-the-frugal-student/

Many of these twitter feeds offer suggestions on how to budget a minimal income and many also promote deals and coupons that college students would benefit from.

While we are working on our education we should also be better educating ourselves on how to live thrift-ly well beyond our college years. Check out these feeds for some excellent suggestions!

Here are my favorites from the list:




@Green Panda



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