Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One for the Team

I love early Saturday mornings during football season, being out there in the middle of the field in a silent stadium. Its just me and my teammates doing what we do best. There is the occasional glare of sunlight off the glass press box or the eager longtime fan waiting outside the entrance gate with his foam finger and body paint meticulously applied. Our coach lovingly barks drills and we mentally prepare ourselves to perform to our best abilities later that afternoon.

And then we take off our dance shoes, shake out the turf pebbles from our worn pompoms and apply our Ole tattoos on our cheek and spritz our hair one last time with a coat of hairspray.

Ok so it may only seem like I am at football games for the dance team but I do appreciate the camaraderie that a college football team ignites.

This article, "10 Colleges with the Most Powerful Coaches" was sent to me by and can be found here: It is quite intriguing. Coaches take on a different persona than anyone else involved on a college campus and what makes the good ones, good is inspiring and hopefully can mirror the values of the college.

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