Thursday, July 12, 2012


Yet another article I was asked to comment on can be found on and is titled, "The 25 Best Business Novels to Dig Into This Summer." Ok truth time: I have only taken one business-related course at Augustana and rely a whole lot on my mother to explain the business-y things I will someday only hope to understand. I should probably start tackling this list now...

Or watch the movies that several of these books have been made into...

After just briefly browsing through the list I was impressed by the general theme that these books take on: Try with all your might to succeed in a designated area.
A.K.A. Be a good college student.

Check out the article here:

Additionally I love F. Scott Fitzgerald and never looked at The Great Gatsby as a business novel but rather a look at one of the most fascinating decades. I love reading books in a new light so maybe I will attempt to put on my businesswoman hat and reread this American classic.

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