Thursday, July 5, 2012

Augie (Dis)Advantage

For all of us Augie Vikings we are well aware of what the few men on campus refer to as the Augie Advantage and what the far greater number of women on campus refer to as the Augie Disadvantage. The shocking ratio of 6 female students to 1 male student has been a wee bit depressing during my last three years at Augie. The men obviously love it and it always cracks me up when tour guides from our Admissions department explain the ratio and the male prospective students who are merely Juniors and Seniors in High School get really excited and then their moms roll their eyes and ask about the all-important topic of academics.

One of my residents once asked me, upon hearing for the thousandth time how much I love Augie, if I would change anything about this place. At first I said no, then I said that I would plant more flowers around campus. She appallingly asked if I would change the whole 6:1 thing. She brought up a good point...

Well after being asked by to comment about their recent blog post about gender gaps at colleges and universities I realized this problem was not just at Augie. Thank god! In their article "10 Coed Colleges with the Biggest Gender Gap" they explain the reasons for a large gender gap on college campuses. Surprise! Liberal Arts schools like Augustana attract far more women than men. Other reasons for gender gaps include the fact that technical and engineering programs draw more men while fashion programs draw more women.

Check out the full article here and read up on the 10 schools highlighted in this article highlights ten colleges with notable gender gaps. I was kind of surprised Augustana wasn't listed...

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