Monday, December 12, 2011

Wunce Upon a Time

My mom and I are still at Coffea but this seems like a blog-worthy post. Brytten is about to take her first college final and is going in to the momentous occasion with what sounds like about two pots of coffee in her little self. She has called my mom and I, as she says, "literally 27 times." These comical conversations have included her telling us that the back fell off of her desk chair but now it makes a nice makeup stool, she made our grandpa do his first pinky promise, and she almost fell out of her bed because her blankets started rolling and she was in them. All of this has been said at about five times her normal speaking rate.

She needs a burger.

These very Brytten-like interactions prompted my mom and I to share our favorite Brytten-isms. My personal favorite is when I came across one of Brytten's papers from when she was in about 8th grade- as in way too late in life to make this mistake. She started her story with, "Wunce upon a time."

That's right... Wunce.

Here is Brytten in all her glory.

16th Birthday Celebration

Wunce upon a time, Brytten knitted.

She is going to hate me for this... 


  1. This is great. She will kick the final's ass.
    I'm really intrigued by the Wunce upon a time thing. I can't remember the last time I, or anyone I know, wrote a "once upon a time" story. So the fact that she was writing that type of story (albeit in 8th grade) is just great. I think those types of stories are good for the imagination. Great story!

  2. Also the final was her English final so hopefully her spelling has improved in the last 5 years! And really, Brytten could get away with all of her stories with Once (or Wunce) Upon a Time!
