Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Wednesday for the Record Books

Today was just absolutely wonderful and I am extra-cheery despite the rainy weather which normally is so not my thing. Some people would be annoyed with me today because as several of us were walking to take our chemistry test this morning and were complaining about the rain hitting our faces and eyelashes, I decided that I love it when my coffee has a splash of rain water. Think there would ever be a "Coffee with a Hint of Rain Water" Keurig blend?

Then I got my 35-page art history paper back that consumed my life a week ago and I got a great big ol' A on it! At that point nothing could have tampered with my great day, but it continued to get even better!

Jackie and I went to see "Footloose" at the cheap seats and besides it being an awesome movie and totally falling in love with the new Ren (even though I will always love Kevin Bacon), one of my greatest dreams came true! For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be at a movie where there was no one else in the theater. It finally happened today! And with my best friend Jackie, which made the experience even better!

This was quite possibly the best rainy day and best Wednesday ever!

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