Saturday, December 3, 2011

Staccato- What's the Point?

When I was in band I always delighted to see staccato notes in the music we were performing. These notes are to the point and don't hide any aspect of what the note is trying to relay.

I love writing this blog, especially on days like this in which I have blocked every other social media distraction from myself. Sometimes I try to figure out what I think is the point, or intention of my blog. Yesterday I commented on the fact that some days I feel like I can change the world and other days I just want to draw mermaids in chalk. Maybe the point is to figure out which of the two days it is...

Or maybe it is... Looking for the loveliness in life and realizing it's not too far away.

I love the fact that I get to figure my life out now in such an important stage of life in my favorite places, Spearfish and Augie.

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