Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Stuck in School?

Another article I was asked to blog about doesn't exactly hit home for me during this lazy-of-all-laziness summer but it definitely does for a lot of my friends that are taking summer classes to get ahead. And on a side note I am once again grateful for my major and minors that overlap one another with several classes. This article titled, "8 Ways to Make Summer School Feel Like a Vacation" was presented to me by and can be found here:

Because its me and I live the 9 months of the year that aren't technically classified as summer like its summer -which is hard to do when you live in South Dakota- I think this list could apply all year round.

1. Study by the pool
I definitely agree that alternative study places are necessary especially when you can soak up some Vitamin D

2. Take mini vacations
These could be anything... a quick weekend road trip, a bike ride in the middle of the day, a pedicure...

3. Read for pleasure
This should absolutely be done all year! As college students we have to read a lengthy list of books as a requirement. Reading books that we choose to find intriguing keeps your interests sparked, thus making you a better learner.

4. Reward yourself
I would suggest the same things as the mini vacations

5. Explore your college town
This is proving to be more and more important! I wasn't really aware of this since I went to a college in my hometown but when my sister went to school 6 hours away I saw how important it is to not only invest yourself in your campus but in the town you will spend more of the next four years, if not many after that, in.

6. Go out and have fun
Duh! You will exhaust yourself basically immediately if you are in school mode all the time

7. Take classes in subjects you love
... Hence why I will graduate with an art minor

8. Sleep in
Definitely. You need it. One of the most relaxing things is going to sleep without an alarm set.

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