Thursday, July 26, 2012


I fully realize that I have expressed my thrill about being asked to comment on other college-oriented websites on my own blog, but I am still amazed by this and rarely do I ever shy away from hiding my excitement. Thus, WOO HOO! 

This article sent to me from is titled, "15 Storytelling Techniques to Boost Your Career" and can be found here:

At first glance, I thought it was peculiar to pair "storytelling" with a job hunt. But these tricks of the trade clearly explain the validity of doing so and how it can make you a more successful interviewee. 

The first suggestion is to not limit stories to your work life. I have given my residents applying for a PA position the same advice for several years. Employers, even if they are campus officials want to hear about what makes you, you and what you will bring to their working environment beyond just technical or trained skills. Show that you are an intriguing person and rock at life! 

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