Saturday, July 28, 2012


This is the second post I have written under the same title. A year ago today, our dog Birdie died and without a doubt went to heaven. The real, golden-gate-billowy-white-cloud heaven, not simply dog heaven.

A year ago, I avoided calling my mom from Spearfish because I knew what she was going to tell me. Once I had called her I perched myself on my grandparents' deck with my feet propped up on their patio table and cried. Normally when I cry, I cry without heavy tears but that day I cried and tears fell from my eyes into my lap. And then I wrote this post 

I feel like my mom has been braving herself for this day all summer. Losing our dog was a significant loss to our tight little family. My mom recently ordered bracelets for each of the three of us to wear. The three bracelets are strung on different colored cords to suit each of us individually. Brytten's is on a purple cord- fittingly as it is the color of royalty- mine is on orange because I love little surprises especially orange ones and my mom's is on turquoise because it is a happy color. The silver band on the bracelet is stamped with the word, "Aisling" which is Gaelic for "dream." My mom picked the word as a symbolic representation of the three of us. Also on the silver band is a sketch of a bird. For Birdie.

About a week ago I was scrounging through my bedroom for a piece of paper and found a card that accompanied a bouquet of flowers I sent my mom after Birdie died. I now use it as a bookmark.

It is amazing what an impact a four-legged family member can leave. I know that even decades from now when our family has multiplied by other two-legged and four-legged members we will still think of Birdie and wish all the new people and pets could have known her. Those lovely future people will probably even want to hear her bark along to Christmas carols "sung" by mother.

I found this on Pinterest today which seemed very fitting for this day of remembrance for Miss Birdie who was notorious for a good french-fry-bribing.

Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry


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