Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Last Friday evening after greeting my grandma I strolled out to find my grandpa watering the 25 juniper trees he planted recently. The 7 ducks were roaming their grounds and the 30-or-so chickens were bawking waiting for the surprise raspberry. He was dressed in his traditional gray t-shirt and work shoes with dirt everywhere. He is such a grandpa.

He and my mom are a lot alike in their sense of humor and their acceptance of Brytten and I. All weekend we had little exchanges and even danced our way away from each other after saying goodbye for the weekend. I have discovered in my few years of adulthood that it is in your best interest to be friends with your mom but I love that my grandpa and I have a relationship that goes beyond grandfather and granddaughter. He will always be my absolute favorite person and I am fairly certain I am his, too!

I was talking to him about how my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary is coming up this September. His response: "Wow thats a long time. It's been good."

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