Thursday, July 12, 2012


Nearly a month ago, Jackie, Molly and I were roadtripping to Indiana in my car that now I am so thankful survived the 1500-mile trip. Many college students look to road tripping as the ultimate way to bond with their friends and explore new areas of the country that they may have never taken family vacations to as children with their families. Hence why the three of us eagerly stopped for a picture in a 'put-your-face-in-a-hole' at a winery in Iowa. Side note: the great state of Iowa has a ton of winerys!
Road trip pic taken in a gas station somewhere between Sioux Falls, SD and South Bend, IN

Touchdown Jesus! Never would have happened if it weren't for an epic road trip 

Take hotel pics while taking a break from jumping on the bed. All the best road trippers do it
This article presented to me by is titled, "Top 7 Road Trip Destinations for College Students" and can be found here.

The typical Florida and Las Vegas destinations are listed but one that I thought was an excellent suggestion is New Orleans, Louisiana. I have been to New Orleans a few times and I agree that it is a great road trip destination. There is so much rich culture that is utterly unique to that area of the country and the houses are absolutely stunning.

I am, of course always up for a Spearfish road trip which is happening for the second time this summer tomorrow with my mamacita and Jackie! Woo hoo!

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