Monday, July 16, 2012


Upon the many occasions in which I have to somehow put into words how wonderful my mother is, I often describe how she doesn't care what either me or my sister do with our lives or study at school, just so long as we do something that is fulfilling and makes us joyously happy. Brytten and I have both looked at our college experiences as a time to try out our plethora of interests and both of us have an idea of what we would ideally like to do for the rest of our lives but those things don't necessarily exist as a solidified career just yet. 

If I could somehow combine working in Student Affairs with freelance writing, creating pottery, dancing, hiking, running, swimming, roadtripping, have school spirit and creating artistic masterpieces I would be all over it. Well I will probably end up doing exactly that...

This article, "7 Tips for Creating Your Own Degree Program" was sent to me from and encourages college students to pursue a modified career path that perfectly fits their interests and isn't necessarily a set major or area of study. The article details specific ideas on how to enter into a hand-created career that will best suit you and enhance your already rockin' talents! 

On a separate but somewhat related note, when I was looking for words to use as the title for this post I was looking for something that described the hodge podge of abilities, interests, and ideas that combine for an awesome career. I "thesaurused" hodge podge and found these lovely new words. 

Pastiche: work of art formed from disparate sources

Farrago: mess

Olio: miscellany 

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