Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Doing Good

An interesting facet of my generation is that as emerging college-educated adults, more and more of us are looking to fulfill a passion rather than to make a certain amount of money. We want to feel as though we have a noble purpose and feel our impact through tangible or intangible measures.

This article written by focuses in on this mission to make a difference rather than a million. "The 10 Best Nonprofits to Work For" can be found here:

This one is awesome because it targets young adults and teens to start fulfilling their passions and seeing the world change through their own efforts.

2. LiveStrong
This famous company of the iconic yellow rubber bracelet has this motto, "unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything." That should be every company's motto.

3. Year Up
This company is all about assisting young adults in urban areas to be successful students and working professionals.

4. Wounded Warrior Project
Organizations like this one will unfortunately be inevitably part of our society because of the vast number of military veterans our country has that have served. This company strives to demonstrate service and gratitude.

The leaders of the National Outdoor Leadership School lead students on trips through the wilderness and instruct the importance of leadership, ethics, and outdoor skills. I would be all up for this!

6. Parents as Teachers
This organization fascinated me. Every person involved in the organization is committed to helping children reach their full potential. I truly believe that the more people a young student has involved and invested in their education, the greater they will succeed.

7. National Resources Defense Council
This company is composed of 50 very committed volunteers who work at preserving and defending the environment.

8. NatureBridge
This is another organization that educates kids in the great outdoors. I feel as though learning in the most natural setting possible would be very beneficial for a plethora of students.

9. Make-A-Wish Foundation
This is probably the most well-known organization on the list. I am sure seeing the reaction that their work does for people would be one of the most rewarding experiences.

10. Boys & Girls Club of America
This organization strives to teach kids to grow into responsible adults that want the very best for their communities.

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