Thursday, July 12, 2012

Home Again

As any good Norwegian Viking - or at least an Augustana Viking - would say, "Ufdah!" I am on a roll. Here is once again another article I was asked to comment on that was sent to me by and the article is "8 Clever Ways to Turn Your Home Into a Summer Getaway" and can be found here:

I liked the article's theme of pretending. We can feel like we are on a vacation even if we are in the same house we spend nearly 365 days a year in. The article also incorporates ideas on the importance of pampering oneself and enjoying the space you occupy throughout the year. We can make our living spaces our own with minimal effort usually.

The first suggestion was to redecorate. We can easily feel stagnant if our house encourages us to feel that way. Simple things like displaying different photographs or artwork can be easy changes to make to any space whether its a dorm room or your first home.

Another suggestion was to act like you are on vacation in a very real way. Thus leave chocolates on your own pillows. Love that idea!

The next suggestion was accompanied by this gem of a photo-

This suggestion encouraged spa days and pampering yourself. A simple way to do this, I have found, is to regularly invest in Walgreen's nail polish stock and rock a power nail, or two. 

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