Tuesday, October 4, 2011


My mom and I had a moment today that would only happen in my family. We were sitting at Barnes and Noble and she gave me a credit card with a little over $5 on it. She explained that this was the last of the child support money that we would ever receive. This became a comical situation (thank god because otherwise it is super depressing to think about) and she gave me the money to spend on coffee to which I responded, "Ooooh I will put honey in it!"

Such a Sanna thing to do but it is also quite metaphorical. Whenever I need a little boost in my day/life I put honey in my coffee in addition to my normal cream and cinnamon. I like that you don't truly taste the honey until the very last sip. Life is like that. We know that something great is coming and when it does, it is perfect. Through everything that my mom, Brytten and I have been through I have always maintained the slightly Polyanna-like thought that the next wonderful thing is just around the corner. And it always was.

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