Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In a Viking State of Mind

I absolutely realize that this post is ridiculously late but if you will remember from my ridiculously late post about my backpacking trip through the Bighorns, I feel overwhelmed when about to write about an amazing experience!

Here we go!

Viking Days was everything I thought it would be in more. I was involved in absolutely every aspect of that week from all the events we had planned for the Viking Days Committee that I co-chaired to the game in which dance team performed twice and six performances of Viking Varieties. Needless to say it was kind of a crazy week but most of my weeks tend to shape that way.

I am fairly sure I was beaming the entire week because of my sheer joy and love for Augie. I truly can't imagine going anywhere else and am proud that I will always be a Viking!

When my co-chair and I were at Kaladi's picking up coffee for our committee members we me one of my idols: Tom Brokaw!!! My mom took this picture and thinks she captured my giddiness over meeting Mr. Brokaw

John, Jackie, Finn, and Scout came out for the festivities and Jackie bought Augie shirts for the doggies to don to show their school pride!

Jackie and Scout waiting for the parade!

In my Dignitary Car!

Just a tad nerdy and extremely excited!

Me and Kaycee, my first friend at Augie about to perform during the Homecoming Football Game

Some "Lady Liberties" of the Viking Days Committee

Me and Jackie. She was crowned Homecoming Queen and it was my favorite moment at Augie thus far!

Whitney and I after completely our tradition of racing each other on the inflatables!

Two of my current girls enjoying the festivities of Homecoming Week!

Matt and I about to spar!

Mariya and I at the beginning of the week!

Matt, Jackie (the future queen) and I 

Me and Molly-Olly

Me and Carl, a true Viking

Me and Sonora 

Jackie the Queen, Carl and I 

Chris, Queen Jackie, and I 

My current Solberg Staff shortly before Jackie overtook the throne 

This is your queen, Augustana!

Last picture before she became the Ruler of Augustana 

The four of us celebrating Jackie's Queendom

Kaycee and I in our Lady Gaga gear for Viking Varieties 

Katie, Deann and I in our very different outfits for Viking Varieties 

Kaycee and I 

Mariya and I 

Kristina, my co-chair, and I during the Parade

Me and Lady Liberty 

Three Vikings

I was uber excited to be in a parade!

John snuck backstage and captured this lovely image!

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