Friday, October 7, 2011


Yesterday was payday which means that I bought grapes and inexpensive jewelry from World Market! I also filled up my car with gas but that isn't as fun.

I also stopped at the Starbucks my sister worked at before she left for school. The people preparing my Venti Passion Fruit Iced Tea recognized me as Brytten's sister and started asking how she was doing in school. I happily told them that she was doing very well and we all shared that we are extremely proud of her. We truly are. I had a blogpost a couple weeks ago about how I feel as though I am 'thriving', well Brytten definitely is. I texted my lovely sister about the interactions I had just had with her co-workers and then we texted the majority of the rest of the night, mainly about boys but that is what good sisters do.

Side note: You can tell she is an official West River College Student because when describing a guy to me that likes her she said... "And he fly fishes!"

I picked out this jewelry because it reminded me of what Brytten wears and hell, I miss my sister!

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