Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One Of Us Is Married

The title of this post is still so weird to me.

My PA staff from Solberg last year packed the six of us (Laura, Molly, Jackie, myself, Carl and his girlfriend, Alyssa) into a Buick and travelled to the Cities last Friday for the wedding of our fellow PA, Nick to his now wife (!), Katie. The road trip was a reunion for our staff and we greatly enjoyed the looks from nearly every car that passed us and saw us stuffed into the car, three in front and three in back. Just a year ago we were working on bonding ourselves as a staff and getting to know one another. During PA training last year we played a lot of foosball, shot each other with nerf guns and they all locked me in my room with an ethernet cord. We had incredible dynamics as a staff and I greatly enjoyed having the role of a little sister for the first time in my life. These wonderful people quickly became my second family and they are what I think about when I think about Augie and how much I love everything about Augie.

Carl, Jackie and I

Jolly Green Giant!

My girls. Laura, Jackie, Molly, and I 


Molly and I along with Carl

Jackie and Molly


He is basically my brother

My Solbergio Family! Laura, Jackie, Carl, Nick, Molly, and I

Nick and Katie! Or as I like to refer to them... KICK!


Suuuuuuuuper Happy!

Molly and I got our groove thang on!

So did Nick and Carl!

We went to a movie after the reception!

Laura and I!

Laura, Jackie and I
I am so very excited for Nick and Katie and have to refrain myself from texting him during his honeymoon to tell him that. I gleefully exclaimed that he was married at his wedding to him about five times and stared at the ring now planted on his left ring finger. They will have an incredible life together and I can't wait to hear all about it when I show up at their apartment with Breadsmith bread and have him make me coffee!

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