Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Granddaughter of Chicken Farmers

Last week I was introduced as, "the granddaughter of the woman who volunteers at the fish hatchery who gives us two dozen eggs each Tuesday."

Practically family.

All summer I have joked about how this summer is chicken-i-fied and I have become a seasonal chicken farmer. Well, I have sunk to a new low. Today I was collecting the eggs from the chicken coop and there were 16 that had to be brought in. Obviously I couldn't carry all of those in my two hands and the idea of taking two trips didn't enter my brain. But the idea of sticking eggs in my bra did. That's exactly what I did. I had four eggs in my bra and I awkwardly crossed my arms in front of my chest while holding the other twelve eggs and did a marching-band-like stroll (heel, toe!) back to the house discreetly so that the neighbors nor my grandparents, the true chicken farmers, would know of my odd circumstances. And yet, I chose to tell the entire Internet world.

Bawk, Bawk!

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